I've drank a lot of different beers in my time on Earth. I have never reviewed them before, however. Not in writing anyway. On a whim, I've decided to start reviewing them. In order to do that, I found a good video and guide on
how to review beer.
The 1st beer that I will review is Fixed Gear American Red Ale. I picked up a 6 pack of this at the shoppette on base. For those not in the know, a shoppette is kind of like a 7-11 on military bases. Normally, in Germany, the shoppettes sell the typical mass produced, Budweiser, Bud Light, MGD, Miller Lite, and a select German Pilsners and hefeweizens. A new shoppette/gas station opened on base yesterday. My wife and I stopped in there tonight on the way home for some wine and I found some new American IPAs on the shelves. I am Jack's surprise. I'm not a huge fan of IPAs but I'm always willing to try new things. I chose Fixed Gear because it said red ale. I like red and amber beers so I picked up a pack. OK, now to the review.
Appearance: It is an amber colored beer, slightly cloudy with decent carbonation. The head is about a half inch thick with a tan color that dissipates.
Aroma: This beer is very hoppy which tells me its an IPA even though the title is a bit misleading. It has a citrus aroma, mostly grape fruit.
Flavor: Similar to the aroma. Hops are strong in this one. Starts off smooth with a strong citrus hops flavor with a bit of a dry bitter finish and a lingering after taste.
Mouthfeel: The beer appears to be medium bodied.
Overall Impression: This beer definitely appeared to be an IPA. I'm not a huge fan of that style to begin with but this beer was OK. It had character. I could drink it again. I could probably see myself getting into IPAs if I drink enough of them. If I had to give it a grade, I guess C+.
Fixed Gear American Red Ale is worth a try. If you've tried this beer and disagree with me, let me know. If you think I got something wrong, let me know. I'd love to hear what your thoughts are. Contact me on Twitter @Domkizzle or
Email me.